Thursday, August 7, 2014

8 Suprising Benefits of Sex

We know that sex can be a lot of fun and result in great orgasms, but is there more?  There are some surprising benefits to sex that you may not know about.

Fountain of Youth

When women have sex, their estrogen levels double.  Higher estrogen means shinier, thicker, smoother hair.  Sex helps boost the production of the human growth hormone too, which improves muscle tone and makes you look and feel younger.  Collagen production is also boosted, resulting in more youthful skin.  With all these benefits, sex really does seem like the fountain of youth!

Lower Stress & Stronger Immune System

Having sex can actually lower blood pressure levels, making you less prone to stress.  According to a study at Wilkes University, having regular sex can boost your immunity by resulting in higher levels of the antibody Immunoglobulin A.  Endorphins are released during sex (as well as laughter).  Endorphins help control pain, as well as feelings of stress and frustration.  They produce a "natural high" and are nature's best anti-depressant.  Just think of your daily romp as your happy pill!

Strong PC Muscle = Better Bladder Control & Stronger Orgasms

You do squats to tone your butt, but when is the last time you did your Kegels?  Kegels are an exercise that tones your pelvic floor muscles.  By having strong pelvic floor muscles, you have better bladder control and are able to have stronger orgasms.  Learn more about how to get started by reading Keep It Up, Keep It Tight:  Kegels.  Having orgasms is also a workout for your pelvic floor muscles!

Orgasms With Aunt Flo = Cramp Relief & Shorter Period

Have you been avoiding getting busy during that time of the month?  Well, don't!  Orgasms are a great way to relieve menstrual cramps.  During climax, your uterus contracts, which results in a temporary heavier flow, then a shorter period (since more of the blood and uterus lining have been shed).  Who doesn't want that?

Higher Libido

Are you wanting to boost your libido?  Having sex will make you want more sex.  For women, having sex increases vaginal lubrication, blood flow, and elasticity.  This adds up to sex feeling better and you craving more of it.

Counts As Exercise

Sex is a great form of exercise.  You burn about five calories per minute... so the longer you play, the more you burn.  It gives you double the benefit by increasing your heart rate and using various muscles.  Just like exercise, consistency maximizes the benefits.

May Make Prostate Caner Less Likely

Getting it on may make prostate cancer less likely.  Men who ejaculated frequently (at least 21 times per month) were less likely to get prostrate cancer according to one study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association.  This one doesn't require a partner - masturbation, wet dreams, and intercourse all count.  It isn't clear that sex was the only reason for a reduced risk of prostrate cancer in the study, but it definitely can't hurt.

Improves Sleep

Have you ever noticed that many people nod out after sex?  After orgasm, the hormone prolactin is released, which is responsible for feelings of relaxation and sleepiness.

These health benefits are a great excuse to add more sex into your life... as if you needed one!  So go ahead, get busy and reap the rewards.


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