Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Firm Hand, A Slight Touch, A Loving Smack

There is nothing quite as exhilarating as a smack on the bottom during a steamy encounter. The little sting can be just enough to make you and your partner quiver with excitement. A common misconception is that spanking has to be painful. In this article we will cover a brief history is spanking, why people enjoy it, and different methods.

Spanking is as ancient as civilization itself. In some countries, spanking is used as discipline. A husband may even feel obligated to discipline his wife this way. Please note, these countries do not condone beating your wife, simply bending her over the knee and “busting her ass.” It has been outlawed in the U.S. as domestic abuse, though some families do still use the method behind closed doors.

Erotic spanking is jus as old! Drawing dating back to fifth century B.C. can be found in The Tomb of the Whipping (Tomba della Fustigazione) in the Necropolis of Monterozzi near Tarquinia, Italy*. It also makes up a large portion of Victorian pornography (then called “birching”). Spanking is such a loved erotic act that it has spawned a whole array of toys and implements for use. From spanking skirts with open backs to floggers, paddles, and benches, it is adored by many. Popular items include the bare hand, a paddle, rulers, sneakers, riding crops, and rulers.

Now, here is something educational text won’t tell you. USE SAFETY! While spanking can be a very enjoyable experience, you can (especially with an implement) spank too hard. The idea is to have a good time for all, not to hurt the other. If (s)he is crying or begging you to stop, its probably time to stop. Using a safe word (especially with roleplay) is always a good idea. You aren’t likely to hear “Coffee” shouted in the middle of sex, and it will quickly halt a potentially dangerous scenario. We will cover more of this in another article.

Well that's great and all, but how do I introduce it? Good question. For some couples, it seems a natural step. Others are a little more reserved, especially if they are still dating. If you are in the latter group, there are several ways to bring it up. One is to just talk about it. Honest and open communication is a big key for any successful relationship. Introduce the topic of sex and fantasies. You may learn each is more adventurous than previously thought. Another way is to test it. A gentile smack on her bottom while she is doing dishes or comes home late could lead to tons of fun. Ladies, he could enjoy this just as much. A wet towel left on the floor would be a great opportunity for discovery. In personal experience, dropping hints such as "I have been bad" rarely works unless you have established that spanking is enjoyed.

Above all, your sex life should be fun, exciting, safe, and consensual. Be sure your partner is comfortable with giving/receiving any new experience. Nothing kills the sexy like an unexpected and unwelcome addition.

Play safe!
Adult Toy Specialist



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