Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Lost Art of Kissing

I believe that kissing has become a lost art.

I've noticed over the years (and especially in relationships) how true this really is.  I'm not even sure if most couples realize it, but people just stop kissing.  It goes from passion to little pecks on the lips in passing.  Instead of kissing being exciting, it becomes something done without thought or feeling behind it.

Why is it that the art of kissing has become lost?  Is it that we are too busy... too caught up in the chaos of everyday life?  Maybe it's just seen as part of foreplay... kind of like a prerequisite to get to the real action.  If that is the mindset, then things are going to be hurried and not enjoyed.  Kissing someone is such a personal and intimate experience... maybe we just aren't willing to get that vulnerable.

So, do those 'leave you breathless, knees weak, head spinning kisses' really exist?  Some wonder if it is just another legend.  Let me tell you - it does exist.  Not all kisses have to be this earth shaking though.  There are a lot of different ways to kiss the one you love, like, or just lust.

Here are some of my favorite types of kisses...

The french kiss is considered the most popular romantic kiss.  It is also known as tongue kissing.  In this kind of kiss, one person's tongue touches the other person's tongue.  It is easy to do, but true skill comes with years of practice.

The single-lip kiss is when you sandwich one of your partner's lips between yours and gently suck.

The earlobe kiss is when you take your partner's earlobe between your lips and gently suck and tug.  Circling your tongue around the earlobe can intensify the sensations.

The biting kiss is similar to the French kiss, but involves the teeth too.  It is an open mouth kiss where you gently grab your partner's tongue with your teeth.

The neck kiss is when you lightly kiss down someone's neck.  It is often done after the French kiss and is best enjoyed with minimal saliva.  Using only your lips and not sucking hard help prevent your mouth from producing too much saliva.

The whole body kiss is when you start by lightly kissing your partner's forehead, then their temples, bridge of their nose... give a passionate kiss on the lips.  Trail kisses down their neck, along their collarbone, down their chest... keep going, letting your lips explore their whole body.

The therapeutic kiss can do wonders for your stressed out partner.  To accomplish this, put your lips on the bridge of their nose and deliver a series of soft kisses.  The gently pressure of your lips along with the warmth of your breath will calm your partner, lower their blood pressure, ease headaches, and quiet their mind.

Why not take the time to TRULY kiss someone?  Make it sensual, making love with your mouths.  Give of yourself... its so worth it.


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