Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Get Gel-ous - Stimulate Me Baby!

Hello, loves.  Lets talk stimulation gel.  Most people have heard of them.  These gels can be a god-send for women struggling to get to their big moment.  For others, they can be a nightmare.  That’s why I’m here.  To help you find the ones that are right for you, and to give you the down low on the ingredients.

Whats inside

First up, what makes these things work?  The warming gels use caspian (peppers, usually from cayenne) oils or cinnamon oil.  If you are in any way allergic to peppers, please use the cinnamon base.  The cooling gels use either menthol or witch hazel to achieve the desired effect.  These ingredients increase blood flow to the area applied, and can help to achieve orgasm more easily.

Another  common ingredient is Acacia Honey, which has been known to cause a yeast infection in sensitive women.  Just watch the labels and go for ones without any kind of sweeteners.  

The Nightmares?

Because of the ingredients listed above, there are cautions you should know about.  These can cause skin irritation in some women, and have been known to be too strong and cause pain when used vaginally.  One of the most common complaints seems to be a yeast infection.  Many of these issues can be avoided by reading the ingredients and making sure you use them for clitoral stimulation instead of a personal lubricant.  They have an entirely different set of lubricants (g-spot gels) for this.   

So, which one is for me? 

Each one causes a different sensation, and the ingredients can cause a different intensity.  Getting a gel with the active ingredient closer to the bottom of the list can help to lessen the blow, especially if you are a new user.  Try them out! Not suggesting you buy a bottle of each  (some can be pretty pricy, up to $40), but there are other ways to experiment.  Getting free samples from the manufacturer is a good way to test the waters.  Another is to host or attend a toy party through a personal consultant.  They usually have gels you can test out at the party, or they can order some samples for you if none are on hand.  

Test out a small (PEA SIZE!) amount.  This will ensure you don’t have too much if you are sensitive, and will keep any issues   (see “the nightmares”) from arising.  Always use a small amount when testing a new product. If irritation occurs, please see your doctor.  

Don’t forget to take the product with you.

Play safe!

Get Gel-ous by: Rekindled Sparks


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